Lessons From This Past Weekend!

Joshua D Rangel
3 min readJan 24, 2022

Happy Monday!!

I never enter any type of competition expecting to lose, (It’s my competitive nature and it’s in my blood) especially this past Saturday’s tournament. I really wanted this win for a couple of reasons and so I was pretty disappointed not coming away on top of the podium.

I won the first one. Tied the second one on points, but based on the scoring system, lost. Won the next two. And paper, rock, scissored the last one and lost (I was about to fight someone from our own gym and decided to play it out that way) I rolled well and felt good, it just wasn’t my day.

What it was was my son’s birthday and I wanted to place for him more than anything. It didn’t happen, but I learned quite a bit from this weekend and look forward to the future.

But here is the biggest lesson I learned. This morning when I woke up I was still in the dumps and wondering why this was lingering so much. I’m not one to allow competition losses to knock me out more than they should. There has always been more to life to me than winning or losing. So as I got up, got in the word and spent time in prayer here is what I realized.

There are lies I know I believe and lies I don’t even know I believe that God is continuing to work on. Here are a few lies that I don’t necessarily think about all the time, but they linger in the depth of my heart and pop up from time to time when Satan wants to pounce.

I’m not succeeding as a husband. I’m not succeeding as a father. I’m not succeeding at my job. And Jiu Jitsu has been something that has been good to me because I have had some success with it. When I lost, now I’m not successful in this sport? Am I really successful at anything?

Sounds crazy, right? I’ve been blessed in so many ways and more thankful today than I have ever been at any point in my life. It’s almost silly to be even allowing these thoughts to pop up or be entertained. But Satan will slither in at our weakest moments when doubt and fear and anxiety are given the opportunity.

But that’s why scripture and Christ are so important in this life. “For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Scripture has power. It has the ability to pull fear and lies out and cut them in half. I encourage everyone to open the Word of God and read it. Explore it. Ask questions. And take your deepest needs to Him through the Word and prayer.

I will continue to move forward in His grace and allowing Him to perfect His power in me through my weaknesses. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Let’s Roll!

* I’m starting a campaign to help 100 people lose 10lbs this year. Are you ready to be one of the first?


This is the Perfect Plan & How I lost 27lbs in 6 weeks! Do you want 40% off one time? Email me back and ask “Give me 40!”

(1) Protein Drink Mix (840g)

(2) Two Formula 1 Healthy Meals (Choose your own Flavors)

(3) Herbal Tea (Choose Your Flavor)

(4) Liftoff

(5) Mango Or Mandarin Aloe.

A. Drink a shake within 30 minutes of getting up. Drink another shake for lunch or dinner. Two healthy snacks and a colorful dinner.

B. Eat every three hours

C. Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of water every day!

D. Focus on your protein number.

**Ask me about my Preferred Membership Option** Save money. Earn gifts. Get Healthy!


“Your past does not determine your future.”



Joshua D Rangel

Just building a business around my three kids and wife while I get to live a healthy active lifestyle and teaching others to do the same.